You should consider buying part numbers 670-S26298 and 815-8946073130 instead of this one part number. The two part numbers are less expensive than the WABCO 4006120110, and they are the exact parts included in the R955321. See the bottom of this page.
WABCO 400 612 011 0 ABS Valve & ECU Kit, Formerly R955321 (Special Order)
Part Number:815-4006120110

Product Details
You should consider buying part numbers 670-S26298 and 815-8946073130 instead of this one part number. The two part numbers are less expensive than the WABCO 4006120110, and they are the exact parts included in the R955321. See the bottom of this page.
This is a special order item with an estimated lead time of 2-3 weeks before it ships, and we'll contact you with a verified lead time after you place an order.
Please call, email, or chat for a definite lead time if you're in a hurry.
- Special Notes
- none
- Product Description
- Manufacturer: WABCO
- Part Number: 400 612 011 0
- Condition: New
- Enhanced Easy-Stop Trailer ABS valve kit
- Includes valve/ECU, power cable with diagnostic adapter, and instructions
- Replace obsolete PN# S472 500 012 0
Cross References: 400 612 011 0, 4006120110, 815-4006120110, R955321,
4725000120, S4725000120, 4725000010, S4725000010, S472 500 001 0
A cross reference listing means that this part should be a suitable replacement
for the part numbers listed. Some changes in installation may be required.
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