PTP KN28510 RG-2 Two Port Relay Valve, 3/8" Delivery Ports

Part Number:070-KN28510
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$84.42 USD
PTP KN28510 RG-2 Two Port Relay Valve, 3/8" Delivery Ports
Qty in Stock: 49
Add'l Qty (1-4 days): 29
Quantity in Stock reflects available inventory as of 5:00 AM CST.

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Product Description
Manufacturer: Pro Trucking Products
Part Number: KN28510PTP
Condition: New
Direct replacement for Haldex KN28510 relay valves
A fast relay used to apply and release service brakes on tractor or trailer
Cover may be rotated without affecting performance
Supply Port 1: 3/8" NPT
Supply Port 2: 1/2" NPT
Delivery Ports: 3/8" NPT
Control Port: 1/4" NPT
Crack Pressure: 5.6 PSI

Cross References: 070-KN28510MID, KN28510MID, 070-KN28510, KN28510, 004827003, ACC004827003, 103009, 279180, 28510, AVKN28510, 30068, E-MDKN28510X, ELS110197X, ZZKN28510X, 4194307081, HDX KN28510, HDX KN28510X, GTA-28510, GTA28510, HALKN28510, MTAKN28500, MTAKN28510, MTAKN28520, SEA110197, SEA110410, ACA-06806700, ACA06806700, 110197N, 12346, 9125X, A78889X, AE78889, AE86313, KN28500, KN28510N, KN28520, KSV4040846, N30103BD, N30108AC, N30108AK, N30108BD, N30108BG, N30108BJ, N30108BK, N30108BL, N30108BM, N30108BP, PAN30108BK, VN30108AC, HNK28510, RKN28510, 5396-KN28510, 5396KN28510, 8235-RKN28510N, 8235RKN28510N, 9732980160, R955KN28510, R955KN28510N, VN30108BL, 973 298 016 0, WAKN28510, MBIKN28510, TWDHKN25810, 110412, 110416, 551 10 410, S-6086, S6086, 034057VEL, 103009BXR, 103009BXW, 9125XM1D, TV28510TEC, AV28510, A78889, PL-28510, PL28510, RB28510, 13AV4594, SAP-KN28510, SAPKN28510, 110155, 110197, 110198, 110199, 110228, 110275, 110410, 110412, 110416, 9125, 401202, MKN28510, 14035, TV28510, AV-KN28510, MI-KN28510, MIKN28510, SL-9125, SL9125
A cross reference listing means that this item should be a suitable replacement for the part numbers listed. You should check the description to be sure it will work in your application.

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