Bendix D786-7655 Disc Brake Pad Set for 73mm Calipers

Part Number:060-MKD786
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$159.84 USD
Bendix D786-7655 Disc Brake Pad Set for 73mm Calipers
Qty in Stock: 2
Add'l Qty (1-4 days): 2
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Product Details
Manufacturer: Bendix
Part Number: MKD786
Fits certain Ford and IH/Navistar trucks with 73mm caliper pistons
Genuine Bendix brake pad set
4 disc brake pads
Services one axle
High quality brake pads give longer life and lower maintenance costs
FMSI Shoe Number: D786
FMSI Lining Number:7655
Lining Thickness: 26.8mm
MD786 Schematic Drawing

Cross References: MKD786, 060-MKD786, E10907860, D786-HD4, E-D786-S, ED786V, UP7655M, ZJCMKD786m BXE10907860
A cross reference listing means that this item should be a suitable replacement for the part numbers listed. You should check the description to be sure it will work in your application.

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