Bendix 236979N Foot Valve Mounting Plate
Part Number:060-236979N$129.27 USD
Product Details
- Special Notes
- none
- Product Description
- Manufacturer: Bendix
- Part Number: 236979N
- Foot Valve Mounting Plate
Cross References: 236979, 236979N, 060-236979N, 654467, 103459, L31361, XL21389, 2R0694, E2359222, M0513931, B2W236979, 194955, 70194955, BW 236979, BW236979,
D134031, 2359222, 83071676, SD31461, VG3769, 745-236979, BAN236979, AA1102013002, 70131, 20889000, 17BV36, 17BX136, 1005M5, 1357211, 334002,
640809, 700061, 1018299, 876795
A cross reference listing means that this item should be a suitable replacement
for the part numbers listed. You should check the description to be sure it will work in your application.
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