153.125802 Air Disc Rotor, Replaces Bendix K038574

Part Number:052-153125802
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$289.53 USD
153.125802 Air Disc Rotor, Replaces Bendix K038574
Qty in Stock: 18
Add'l Qty (1-4 days): 18
Quantity in Stock reflects available inventory as of 5:00 AM CST.

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Product Description
Part Number: 153.125802
Air Disc Rotor
Disc Brake Shape: U Shape
Disc OD: 17"
Overall Depth: 5.906"
Bolt Circle: 9.813"
Hole Diameter: 5/8-11
No. of Holes: 10
Pilot Diameter: 8.125"
Applications: Bendix ADB22X & ADB225 Air Disk Brakes

Cross References: 052-153125802, S23223, S-23223, 76AR617G, KO38574, 76617, 802082, BX802082, BW802082, M44D76617, S32193, S-32193, 51830049, 370-51830049, 10082074, 153.125802, M44D802082, 650-M44D802082, 10082074, 10012031, 10019897, 10041006, 125802, ADR1030, CDR1053, CM10082074, CNM10082074, CO10082074, HNS32193, ROM44D76617, TDAM44D802082, WE56095P, CSD17A02, K110358, K038574, K000332, OTR86718
A cross reference listing means that this item should be a suitable replacement for the part numbers listed. You should check the description to be sure it will work in your application.

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